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Poll Everywhere

Students can provide instant feedback on any question!

Below are some great resources for you to get your students interacting in class while utilizing one of their favorite possessions--their cell phones!

Using Cell Phones in the Classroom​


A real-time, dynamic bulletin board where students can text responses!

Remind 101

The fast, safe, and easy way to text your students!

​Mystery Pals Activity​

Take out your cell phones and divide yourselves into two groups. Go to opposite ends of the classroom. Every member of Group A should write his/her phone number on a slip of paper. Each member of Group B will randomly select a number. Group B will then text the answers to the following questions to the number they have chosen. Group A will then respond with their answers to the same question. Keep answering until you can identify your mystery partner!​ Don't forget. You cannot say your name or your location!

Socrative allows students to answer questions and interact with the class via their cell plhone! 

Using Internet in the Classroom

Below are some resources you can utlize to help you incorporate the internet in the classroom.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy has a collection of hundreds of videos that teach various lessons from math, science, and social studies. You can watch a video with your class or give your students the option of watching the video on their own if they need additional help!


Wallwisher is a collaborative communication tool that allows you and your students to post notes to an online bulletin board. You can use this site for collaborative writing activities, vocabulary exercises, and brainstorming activities. This gives all students a chance to participate at the same time!


​One of the easiest ways to utilize internet in your classroom in a fun and engaging way is to create webquests for your students.  You can have them hunt for information on almost any subject.  It's fun for them and easy for you.  Just visit zunal to search already made webquests or to create your own.

Type With Me

Type With Me is a collaborative tool for creating a document. Use with your students in the class to practice creative writing, complete group assignments, and obtain instantaneous feedback!


You can use Glogster with your students to create online posters. Have them practice first making an online poster representing their lives. Then, once they feel comfortable with the site, have them research and post about an event in history, a famous person, a scientific theory, etc.!

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